the Athena Group


The Power of Our Mind-Body

Working out in the "inner gym" helps in all aspects of the game of life. Featuring Insights from neuroscience, restorative anatomy, somatic (body) intelligence, and epigenetics.

A Six-Week Learning Journey

Working out in the "inner gym" helps in all aspects of the game of life. Insights from neuroscience, restorative anatomy, somatic (body) intelligence, and epigenetics give us the ability to train with precision. Training internal practices are empowering in the short and long game.

Internal awareness is essential to reaching our potential in health, work, relationships, and life. We are always conditioning our minds, our nervous systems and brains, our habits, and our breathing patterns—consciously or unconsciously. What do you want to create for YOU?

The six foundational mind-body building blocks

The inner-gym foundations, once established, can serve in all the situations we face in life. Over time the practices allow us to come home to our hearts and access the power of a balanced and focused mind. During the Learning Journey we train one mind-body building block each week.

1. Observation

Grow internal awareness. Distinguish what is happening with the physical body, emotions, and thoughts. See the profound dynamic relationship between these layers in action.

2. Emotional Granularity

The neuroscience of emotions empowers us with a transformational approach to healing the brain and nervous system. Understand how our patterns of response are conditioned, using a trauma-informed lens. Develop a language of emotions and recognize how emotions are experienced as sensation and tension in the body. The body keeps the score.

3. Conscious Breath

Our brains are oxygen loving. When our brains and cells have more oxygen, we are smarter and access more restorative states. Recognizing our breathing habits is a starting point. Discover a core breath practice you can use throughout the day to feel better.

4. The Power of Memory

The brain doesn't know the difference between past, present, or future. We use this superpower to create new neural pathways. Working with touchstone memories shifts our brain state. Consciously programming memory, we strengthen and change our minds.

5. Focus Attention on What You Desire to Create

We are always creating—we create with our thoughts, emotions, movements, and actions. Grow our ability to focus attention on what we want to create. Discover who we truly are and open doorways to new potential in life.

6. Conscious Thought

What does it take to think more consciously? Conscious awareness and acceptance are root practices that allow us to “be with what is.” Practice observing our thought stream as if watching from the shore. Practice thinking consciously and focusing attention.

Train with precision: Commit to working out in the “inner gym.”

  • Ten minutes a day using the weekly internal practice, aka “the work-out.”
  • One minute every 2-3 hours with weekly awareness moments to develop new habits.
  • Complete a weekly reflection sheet.
What is possible is beyond your imagination!

Contact Us

To learn more about pricing and to schedule, please get in touch.

Meet the Trainer

Teresa Posakany

Teresa (she/her) is a leader, innovator, trainer, and consultant in the Self-Healing and Resilient Communities movement. She works with individuals, organizations, and communities globally to help us realize our innate capacity to flourish. She is also an organization and leadership development consultant, seasoned trainer, author, and facilitator.